Halloween Home Security October 16th, 2014

With Halloween just around the corner, moms and dads are struggling to find time to find the perfect costumes for their kids and get spooky decorations in place. Having fun is the focus of the day, so it’s easy to forget to take some security precautions.

There are many great lists of Halloween safety tips for protecting your kids as they go from house to house. But the holiday is also known for some dangerous behaviors, which can impact the security of your home.

There are two common kinds of problems more common on October 31. You may have misguided “pranksters” doing accidental or intentional minor property damage. The other risk is a bit more serious: criminals using the cover of heightened activity to stake out a break-in target.

While they differ in severity, both types of troublemakers are going to approach houses that seem to offer the least chance of getting caught. Read on to learn a few ways to make your house an unlikely choice for either group.
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