Home and Commercial Security Predictions for 2018 January 15th, 2018

Over the last few years, the security industry, for both home security systems and business security systems has seen a remarkable evolution in security products and features, mainly relating to advances in technology that allow you to better monitor your security system from anywhere, and from virtually anything.

2018 looks to continue the trend of exciting, and accessible, security features that you can use to protect your property and loved ones better. Below we’ve compiled a few of the products and services we think will make a big impact on security systems this year.

Homeowners Will Get More Selective With Home Security Providers

Research and Markets, a leading market research firm, predicts that the market for home security products will reach $51.5 billion by 2022. As with any surge in market demand, new companies will be born to rise up and try to satisfy consumer demand. However, the home security space is unique in among the many providers of consumer goods.

When selecting a home security provider, you need to find a company that not only has a solid reputation for security services, but also a long, stable history of supplying home security monitoring and maintenance. You don’t want to enter into a multi-year contract with an unproven security provider who could be out of business before your contract ends or comes up for renewal. Consumers should look for home security providers that have a proven track record of stellar customer service and enough market saturation to sustain future growth.

Video Monitoring Will Become a Standard in Home Security and Less of a Luxury

Video monitoring is nothing new. Home security systems are often packaged with high-definition video capture and streaming products to provide greater protection than simple sensor-based systems of the past. Consumers now have the option to install video cameras internally, to monitor particular rooms or spaces within the home, as well as externally, to monitor access points and hidden areas around the home that could be entry points or access targets for potential thieves.

For years we’ve provided a number of cameras and camera systems, like our high-end, day/night cameras and DVRs and SkyBell doorbell, as options for new and current customers who want to see what’s going in or around their home at any time.

In 2018, we expect to install and monitor far more cameras and video security products to deter crime and keep home security and commercial security systems performing at all optimal safeguarding measures.

Video Alarm Verification Continues to Increase Emergency Response Times Over Simple Alarm Triggers

Late in 2016, we wrote about the benefits of video verification in alarm systems and how video capture benefits homeowners, business owners and law enforcement in different ways. One of the most eye-opening stats, however, was:

“With video verification, when a surveillance camera notices activity, the monitoring alarm center receives notice right away. A trained alarm center operator reviews the video footage, verifies what is transpiring, and reports it to the police right away. If the trained operator is watching a burglary in progress via video, it will be issued a higher priority. A burglary in progress is treated as a “priority 1,” by law enforcement. An alarm triggered without video verification is usually considered a “priority 3,” a much less important priority. The change in priority level from 3 to 1 means a much faster police response time. In the case of a tripped alarm, seeing is believing.”

In 2018, we think the proliferation of video cameras in security systems will only continue to increase the divide in response times for crimes-in-progress verified through video, and response times to possible crime-in-progress from traditional alarm sensor triggering.

Interested in learning how a new or updated alarm system can work for your home or business? Learn more about our services or contact us today to see how we can help.

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Sources: https://www.forbes.com/sites/moorinsights/2018/01/03/6-big-predictions-for-the-smart-homesecurity-space-in-2018/2/#1d125693c8b5

3 Life-Saving Fall and Winter Home Safety Tips December 10th, 2017

As the seasons change, so should your precautionary measures to ensure your home security system is up to the task of protecting your home, your valuables and, your family. Weather changes and the holiday season mean no risks for your security, but with a few simple safety checks and updates, you can make sure you’ve done your part in preparing for fall and winter security needs.

Here are a few tips on what you can do to prepare your home for better security this time of year.

Make Sure Your Smoke and Fire Alarm Equipment is Working Properly

Fall is typically the time of year when temperatures go down, and people look for ways to warm up inside. Fires in fireplaces and the additional use of heaters and heating systems means that the potential for an in-home fire greatly increases.

And, with the holiday season, out come holiday decorations and Christmas trees – more fire-friendly elements inside and outside of the home. If a fire were to start, trees and decorations could accelerate a fire leading to a big problem.

In the event of a fire, your smoke and fire alarm equipment could mean the difference between life and death and thousands of dollars in property damage. To start, check that you have sufficient and up-to-date smoke and fire alarm equipment. Then make sure your equipment is working correctly, by testing all smoke alarms in your home and replacing batteries that are low. Also, make sure you have working fire extinguishers strategically placed throughout your home for easy and immediate access if something were to happen.

Ensure Exterior Lighting and Monitoring is Installed Correctly

As the holidays approach, thieves look for more opportunities to score quick wins and theft of packages or easy entry into homes. Homes with poor or limited exterior lighting are good targets for theft. If it’s easy to get in and out undetected, packages are much more likely to get stolen off your porch or within easy access for quick break-ins.

Protect your property and your loved ones by doing a complete walkaround of your house at night to make sure you aren’t an open target for potential crime. Identify dark spots and unmonitored areas to see if you need to update or add exterior lights to deter theft.

If you haven’t already, you may also look into a front door camera, like the Skybell Pro, or surveillance cameras for the front, back, or sides of your home. Security cameras provide significant home security benefits, more so than just theft deterrence.

Let Neighbors and Loved Ones Know Your Travel Plans, But Don’t Advertise When You’ll Be Out of Town Online

This seems like common sense, but people are typically busier this time of year and can easily forget that a seemingly harmless Facebook check-in or Instagram post can alert home invaders to an empty house and good opportunity.

Potential thieves are smart, and they will use social media and online monitoring to know when you’re out of town and when your home is ripe for a break-in.

Be Internet savvy, and don’t give criminals an opportunity to target you by letting them know where you and your family are. You can still post the photos on social, just wait until you’re back home.

Interested in learning how Fortress Security can help prepare your home or business for the coming months? Learn more about our services or contact us today to see how we can help.

How Much Can a Home Security System Save on Homeowner’s Insurance? June 16th, 2017

It’s fairly common knowledge that installing – and using – a home security system can save you money on home insurance costs. Having a more secured home means you are less at-risk for loss, and your home insurance provider recognizes that with decreased premiums.

However, many homeowners don’t realize that with a few additional features, your home insurance costs can continue to go down – sometimes by as much as 25%, according to Bankrate.com. Things like living inside of a gated community, being a part of an HOA, using the same insurance carrier for both home and auto coverage, or installing updated wiring can all contribute to home insurance savings.

But, you can’t control all of those variables. With a home security system, you can. So, when looking at adding or updating a home security system, here are some of the best ways to save money, earn a return on your investment, and better protect your home and family.

Homeowners insurance, according to a Federal Reserve Board estimate, costs between $300 to $1,000 annually. With the right setup, your alarm system could save you up to 20% on homeowners insurance each year, saving you hundreds of dollars.

What You Can Do To Save Money on Homeowner’s Insurance


– Every exterior door – your front door, back door, possibly a door leading out of your garage – should all have dead bolts at a minimum. These are easy to install and can be quickly and inexpensively updated.


– Make sure your home has properly installed and functioning smoke detectors. You should have a working smoke detector in every bedroom in your home. And, for 2- or 3-story homes, you’ll need at least one smoke detector on each floor of the house.


– According to The Huffington Post, homes that are not monitored by video surveillance equipment are 300 times more likely to be broken into. While not all insurance carriers will give you a discount for using security cameras, some will, and even without a direct cost savings on insurance, your home will be exponentially less at risk for burglary than it would without cameras.


– Check with your home security system provider, or the companies that you’re researching, to make sure your alarm system is connected to a central monitoring station and is not just an audible alarm. Central monitoring means that beyond just loud alarms, your system is triggering a response for your system’s monitoring team and first responder alerts.

Interested in learning how a new or updated alarm system can work for you and save you money? Learn more about our services or contact us today to see how we can help.

 Request a Texas Security System Quote

Installing Security Cameras Gives More Benefits Than You Might Realize May 30th, 2017

Over the last few years, the affordability and widespread use of security cameras in home security systems have meant that more and more, home burglaries and property crimes are caught on tape. Criminals have fewer places to hide and have a hard time arguing their way out of a conviction when their face is on tape in the middle of a burglary or assault.

Security Cameras For Burglary Prevention

But, security cameras are not just useful in monitoring and recording crime, they also prevent burglaries from taking place before any damage is done.

According to urban.org, “surveillance camera systems can be a cost-effective way to deter, document, and reduce crime. Urban’s research has shown that in Baltimore and Chicago, cameras are linked to reduced crime, even beyond the areas with camera coverage. The cost savings associated with crimes averted through camera systems in Chicago saved the city over four dollars for every dollar spent on the technology, while Baltimore yielded a 50 cent return on the dollar.”

For homeowners, this means having strategically placed security cameras to see-and-be-seen inside and outside of your home can make your home an undesirable target for potential thieves. It’s not worth the risk to break into your home and get caught on camera when there’s another target a few streets over that’s not under constant camera surveillance.

Security Cameras for Monitoring Inside Your Home

Security cameras are useful for monitoring activity inside the home, too.

In the normal day-to-day, home security cameras can give you an extra set of eyes and ears around the house to help keep your family, and your property, safe. For families with kids, for example, cameras inside can mean that while you’re cooking dinner in the kitchen, you can also keep an eye on what the kids are doing in the playroom.

Or, for the more unusual and unfortunate events, cameras inside your home can let you know when someone is inside when no one is supposed to be there. Earlier this month, in San Diego, a couple away for the weekend on a camping trip, watched a break-in happen live on their phones when their security system’s app was triggered and began streaming footage of robbers inside their home.



Security Cameras for Monitoring Outside Your Home

And, security cameras are useful for monitoring activity outside the home. Well-placed external cameras can not only keep a homeowner more protected, but they can also improve the safety of your neighborhood.


Footage from security cameras can be used to identify vandals, car thieves, front-porch thefts and other crimes that occur on the streets or alleyways of many neighborhoods.


Don’t have cameras installed in your current system, or looking to upgrade to HD and other options?  Fortress offers a range of cameras that are professionally installed and can be set up in just a few minutes, and usually the same day it’s requested.  Give us a call or fill out a Contact form to speak with one of our reps today.

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What are the best home security cameras to use for outdoor surveillance? January 11th, 2016


home security cameras


Over the last few years, there have been remarkable upgrades made to home surveillance cameras, which is good news considering that most home invasions originate through the front door, back door or garage. Simple security methods at these access points can do a lot to deter potential burglars, prevent home invasions and keep your family safe.

But it’s not just home invasions homeowners need to take be wary of anymore. According to a report released last month, more than 23 million Americans have had packages stolen from their front porch and outside of their homes. And, often, the only way to catch these “porch pirates” is to have them captured on video through home surveillance cameras.

Good news, though. Homeowners can now equip their homes with video monitoring and surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, that is accessible to them from anywhere in the world. And while most high-tech security systems used to come with a high price tag, home surveillance and top-of-the-line home security equipment is now surprisingly affordable.

To start, you just need to know what features you need, what features you want and find the product best suited for you (and your budget).


One of the first questions you’ll need to ask yourself is, “do you want a wired or wireless camera?” Both work well, and both have individual pros and cons.

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Why We Choose Honeywell Security Camera Equipment February 19th, 2015

Fortress Security uses Honeywell’s top of the line security equipment including its video monitoring system. We trust in the proven technologies of a company that has been in the security monitoring business for over thirty years. Honeywell’s Total Connect Remote and Video Services offer a wealth of high-tech, yet easy to use video surveillance equipment for our customers.

Total Connect Remote, the Honeywell video surveillance app, allows you to view the video produced by surveillance cameras in or around your home on your phone or tablet. No more bulky video surveillance screens, as utilized by many other security companies, to install in a central command center in your house.
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