Home and Commercial Security Predictions for 2018 January 15th, 2018

Over the last few years, the security industry, for both home security systems and business security systems has seen a remarkable evolution in security products and features, mainly relating to advances in technology that allow you to better monitor your security system from anywhere, and from virtually anything.

2018 looks to continue the trend of exciting, and accessible, security features that you can use to protect your property and loved ones better. Below we’ve compiled a few of the products and services we think will make a big impact on security systems this year.

Homeowners Will Get More Selective With Home Security Providers

Research and Markets, a leading market research firm, predicts that the market for home security products will reach $51.5 billion by 2022. As with any surge in market demand, new companies will be born to rise up and try to satisfy consumer demand. However, the home security space is unique in among the many providers of consumer goods.

When selecting a home security provider, you need to find a company that not only has a solid reputation for security services, but also a long, stable history of supplying home security monitoring and maintenance. You don’t want to enter into a multi-year contract with an unproven security provider who could be out of business before your contract ends or comes up for renewal. Consumers should look for home security providers that have a proven track record of stellar customer service and enough market saturation to sustain future growth.

Video Monitoring Will Become a Standard in Home Security and Less of a Luxury

Video monitoring is nothing new. Home security systems are often packaged with high-definition video capture and streaming products to provide greater protection than simple sensor-based systems of the past. Consumers now have the option to install video cameras internally, to monitor particular rooms or spaces within the home, as well as externally, to monitor access points and hidden areas around the home that could be entry points or access targets for potential thieves.

For years we’ve provided a number of cameras and camera systems, like our high-end, day/night cameras and DVRs and SkyBell doorbell, as options for new and current customers who want to see what’s going in or around their home at any time.

In 2018, we expect to install and monitor far more cameras and video security products to deter crime and keep home security and commercial security systems performing at all optimal safeguarding measures.

Video Alarm Verification Continues to Increase Emergency Response Times Over Simple Alarm Triggers

Late in 2016, we wrote about the benefits of video verification in alarm systems and how video capture benefits homeowners, business owners and law enforcement in different ways. One of the most eye-opening stats, however, was:

“With video verification, when a surveillance camera notices activity, the monitoring alarm center receives notice right away. A trained alarm center operator reviews the video footage, verifies what is transpiring, and reports it to the police right away. If the trained operator is watching a burglary in progress via video, it will be issued a higher priority. A burglary in progress is treated as a “priority 1,” by law enforcement. An alarm triggered without video verification is usually considered a “priority 3,” a much less important priority. The change in priority level from 3 to 1 means a much faster police response time. In the case of a tripped alarm, seeing is believing.”

In 2018, we think the proliferation of video cameras in security systems will only continue to increase the divide in response times for crimes-in-progress verified through video, and response times to possible crime-in-progress from traditional alarm sensor triggering.

Interested in learning how a new or updated alarm system can work for your home or business? Learn more about our services or contact us today to see how we can help.

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Sources: https://www.forbes.com/sites/moorinsights/2018/01/03/6-big-predictions-for-the-smart-homesecurity-space-in-2018/2/#1d125693c8b5

5 Ways Business Owners Benefit from an Access Control System October 19th, 2017

What is an Access Control System?

An access control system is simply the method of managing entry and access into specific buildings, locations and areas within buildings. Knowing who, and how, different people can access property is a fundamental concern of any business owner.

The traditional type of access control system is lock and key. However, with advancements in security system technology access control has moved beyond a metal lock and business owners now have the ability to control accessibility into their facilities with electronic keycards, keypads and touchscreens that provide different levels of access and security, based on individuals’ access needs.

Access control systems give business owners and building managers an extra layer of security and control of their property. Depending on the type of technology you use to manage your system, access to property can be granted or denied in real-time and your system can log exactly who accessed your property and when.

Using an advanced access control system provides greater security detail and a number of benefits to traditional security methods.

Top Benefits for Commercial Access Control Systems

  1. You Can Manage Individuals’ Access to Specific Areas of your Business or Property

    Every business has a hierarchy of employees. Some employees need to be able to access sensitive equipment, like a secured network server, while others simply need access into the main office in order to their jobs. An access control system allows business owners to put sensitive equipment into different rooms of their business and only give access to those areas to employees that need to be able to use that equipment.

  2. Access History Logs and Automated Environmental Controls

    In addition to managing employee access to different rooms and buildings, access control systems log all entry into secured locations so that business owners can review who has been into specific areas, and when, if a problem or potential threat ever arises. Access control systems also allow for adjustments in the environment such as turning on the lights in a secured room or adjusting the temperature when someone scans to enter. The simple touches such as automatically changing the environment can lead to long-term energy bill savings.

  3. Enhanced Efficiency for Security Needs and Changes

    Never change a lock again. Keys often get lost or stolen, leaving your business vulnerable. On top of that, employees come and go. When employees leave, especially employees that previously had access to sensitive information and equipment, changing locks and re-securing areas of your business can be a hassle. With advanced access control systems, access can be granted or removed very quickly and electronically so that business owners don’t have to worry about legacy access becoming a threat.

  4. Enhance Safety for your Business and your Employees

    Business owners can use access control to restrict access to dangerous equipment or sensitive systems to prevent any unnecessary tampering and potential for accidents. Less accidents, mean less hours spent dealing with workers compensation forms and even lawsuits. Also, security experts in Information Technology will tell you that the first thing they review is ways around physical security with the intent to access a server room. Once they have access, it takes no time at all to setup a remote connection to leak sensitive customer and employee data.

  5. Deter Criminal Activity

    Criminals can recognize an access control system and know that it is not only more difficult to break into, but the chances are much higher that authorities would be notified immediately if a break in were to occur. Access control systems are a signal to potential criminals that this business has a more mature security system, and very likely has cameras rolling to record activity, too, making it an undesirable target.

  6. Advanced access control system give business owners a more secure business while also providing convenient, flexible and cost-effective means of maintaining that security.

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Fortress Security, a Leading Provider of Residential and Commercial Security Services, Aggressively Pushing Service Expansion with $2 Million Investment April 27th, 2017


With more than 40% year-over-year growth, Fortress Security has become the leader for localized security systems installation, monitoring and service in Texas.

DFW-based Fortress Security, a home and business security system installation specialist and provider, announced today that it has secured new funding and investments worth up to $2,000,000 to expand residential security systems and commercial security systems. This funding will allow them to better serve their customers in service areas across Texas, including Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and Houston.

The lending power now available to Fortress has been the result of aggressive and intentional market growth throughout multiple territories in Texas. Founded in 2001, Fortress Security, with headquarters in Arlington, Texas, has seen impressive acquisition and retention for its services in both the residential and commercial sectors. In 2016, Fortress Security had its best year ever in over 15 years in business with its highest revenues and largest customer database on record, providing security services to thousands of homes and businesses throughout the Texas and Oklahoma.

According to Fortress Security’s CEO, Jerrod Smith, the recent funding and investments will be leveraged to meet the high demand Fortress is experiencing of acquiring new customers throughout Texas and Oklahoma.

“We’ve always been a growing company, but in the past few years we’ve seen growth for home security systems and commercial security systems increase exponentially. Customers want hyper-responsive security monitoring and state-of-the-art security equipment from a reputable, stable local security provider. Fortress provides that, and we’ve built our reputation on meeting and exceeding customer expectations. The infusion of funding means that we will continue to deliver outstanding customer service to our current clients as well as offer the most advanced security products and services to new customers much more rapidly.”

If you’re looking to upgrade your system with video verification, or if you’d like to find out more information, contact Fortress Security today to learn more, http://fortress.flywheelsites.com or (817) 226-7233.

About Fortress Security

Founded in 2001 in Arlington, Texas, Fortress Security configures, installs, and monitors customized business and home security systems. Popular products include burglar alarms, surveillance cameras, and remotely accessible home automation systems, access control systems and fire alarm systems all supported with 24-hour wireless monitoring services for burglar, fire, and medical emergencies. With over 21 years of experience in the security industry, owner Jerrod Smith has led his company to earn the Honeywell Dealer Council of Excellence and ITI/GE Americas Dealer Excellence Award as well as SD&I Magazine’s Top 50 Fastest Growing Security Companies in America for the past three years 2014, 2015, and 2016.

For more information, visit http://fortress.flywheelsites.com.

Fortress Security Expands into San Antonio March 30th, 2016

First 100 New Residential Customers Receive a 20% Off Installation Discount


DFW-based Fortress Security, a home security and business security systems installation specialist and provider, announced this morning the expansion of services into San Antonio, broadening their current Texas reach of Dallas, Fort Worth and Houston.

In June 2014, when Fortress Security expanded into Houston, the company saw a 30 percent increase in new Houston home and business security system customers the first month and a 31 percent increase the second month. Jerrod Smith, founder and owner of Fortress Security, is expecting to make a similar impact in San Antonio.

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The Cost of Commercial Security Systems March 16th, 2016


A thief can get away with a lot in a successful home invasion. So imagine what a typical office could offer – Jackpot!

A burglar might need more people for the heavy lifting but an office is filled with a wide array of pricey products including: computers, printers, displays, servers, copiers, and fax machines. A robbery of a company’s warehouse could possibly wipe out all of the inventory and a business in the process. What makes a place of business an easy target? Well, it is a place of business, and most likely closes every day. It is easy for a burglar to case it and decipher normal work times. Is the parking lot empty? Check. Is it after 8 PM? Check. Are the lights off? Check. According to buyerzone.com each year companies lose billions of dollars in theft, both internal and external. So what does a commercial security system cost? What are the costs of protecting your company?

Standard Cost of a Commercial Security System

The standard cost of a commercial security system depends on how complex a system you need. An office security system to protect your assets can range from being relatively inexpensive to costing quite a bit. It mostly depends on the how much equipment is necessary to protect your assets, and the size of your space.

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How Do You Choose A Business Security System? March 11th, 2016

There is one universal truth amongst all business owners: your business is your livelihood. Thus, it must be protected at all costs.

When it comes to business security systems, there are plenty of viable options available to the average consumer. With the selection of companies that provide different combinations of products for home and business, it certainly makes for a daunting task trying to decide which is the more beneficial option.

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How Honeywell’s GPS Vehicle Tracking Service Can Help You April 22nd, 2015

It’s true; security isn’t confined to home or business locations.

Business owners and private residents alike can benefit from having a system that monitors the location and movements of their vehicles. Honeywell Total Connect Tracking Services do just that. The service is an extension of Honeywell’s Total Connect Remote services, which already have an impressive track record for protecting homes and businesses. Read More »

The Five Essentials of Business Security Systems June 12th, 2014

If you own a business, or you’re responsible for your company’s security, you know that protecting your physical space is just as important as protecting your virtual presence. Even data breaches can originate with thieves actually entering an office and taking computer hardware or swiping passwords from post-it notes.

Business security involves some different concerns and challenges than those in home protection. Although each business will have unique needs to accommodate, there are five key functions of any complete security system. These principles can apply to offices, retail locations, or warehouses, and can be summed up in the Essential Five Ds of Business Security:
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