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Below are links to articles written by Jerrod
Unseemly as it may be, home burglars treat their crime like a trade and take preparations long before breaking into a home. Selecting a target is their first step. So how do thieves decide which house to rob and which to pass up?
Burglars Look For:
Open blinds. Don’t put your electronics, jewelry box, or extra car keys on display for anyone who looks through your windows. By being able to map out where everything is located, a thief knows he can plot out break-in and get valuable items. Close the blinds, particularly in rooms with expensive possessions.
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If you haven’t heard much talk about smart home automation and energy management yet, you will soon. As household utility bills have been rising, so has the popularity of systems that control heating and cooling digitally.
Also called “The Internet of Things,” smart home technology is the next logical step for a world in which people access nearly every aspect of their lives online, from making mortgage payments to buying movie tickets. Now instead of worrying what the thermostat is set to, or if you left the lights on, you can immediately log in and see for yourself.
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Who doesn’t love summer? With its longer days, flip-flop weather, and no need to help with your kids’ math homework after a long day at work, there seems to be a lot more opportunity to get outdoors and have fun.
Unfortunately, being more active does have its risks. But rather than sit inside on the couch, just follow these ten summer safety tips to help you prepare for warm weather fun. With the right precautions, you can have a great time and keep yourself and your family safe. Read More »
If you own a business, or you’re responsible for your company’s security, you know that protecting your physical space is just as important as protecting your virtual presence. Even data breaches can originate with thieves actually entering an office and taking computer hardware or swiping passwords from post-it notes.
Business security involves some different concerns and challenges than those in home protection. Although each business will have unique needs to accommodate, there are five key functions of any complete security system. These principles can apply to offices, retail locations, or warehouses, and can be summed up in the Essential Five Ds of Business Security:
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After over a decade of operation in North Texas, home and business security system provider Fortress Security announced expansion to Houston, Texas, on June 2. With a long-term goal of regional growth, Fortress plans to introduce service to Austin, San Antonio, and Oklahoma in the near future.
“Privacy and transparency are growing concerns among business and home owners,” said Jerrod Smith, founder and owner of Fortress Security. “Some other security companies sell off the home monitoring contracts once installation is complete. One of the reasons people come to us is that they want to make sure their account isn’t passed on to another organization they’ve never heard of.” Read More »
If you’ve already set up a security system at your home or business, then congratulations! Despite the fact that there are over 2,000,000 burglaries reported each year, only 1 in 5 homes in the US have protected themselves with a monitored security system. That should bring you plenty of piece of mind, knowing that your prominent home security signs will encourage burglars to move along to a more easy target, as well as knowing that if a break-in does occur, the authorities will be alerted immediately.
But depending on how long ago you installed your equipment, it might be time for a security system upgrade. There have been some pretty astonishing advances in security technology over the past few years, ranging from secure wireless monitoring to home-automation conveniences. Take a look around your home or business and see if any of these products are right for you and your lifestyle. Read More »
Once we have children, protecting their health and safety becomes a driving force in our lives. A home security system is an important part of that, but there are plenty of other steps we can take as well. From newborns to teenagers, these safety tips for children will help you keep your kids safe and secure. Read More »
Over 60% of the homes in the U.S. have at least one pet. Whether you love dogs, cats, or chinchillas, the bond between us and our pets is a powerfully positive force in our lives. And of course, just like our homes and our human families, we want to protect our animal family members as well.
A professional, 24-7 monitored home security system is the best thing you can do to protect your home and family. If you’re a pet-loving household, then there are a few things to keep in mind when creating the right customized security solution for you. Read More »
If your security system monitoring runs through your landline, you’re putting everything at risk.
Picture this: it’s the middle of the night and your home is empty while you and your family are out of town. But you have a home security system installed, it’s armed, and you pay your premium every month, so your home and possessions should be safe. Right? Read More »
Why a dedicated home security company is a better choice over bundled security packages:
In the past few years, the major cable and telecommunications have jumped with both feet into the home security and business security industry. Comcast began the trend with their Xfinity service, then Time Warner and AT&T followed with IntelligentHome and Digital Life. As you can tell from the names, these new services focus heavily on home automation and smart home programming – oh, yeah, and they’re also a security system. Read More »